Thursday, January 12, 2012



DAY 12


(Note: We are following the 30 Day Prayer Challenge found here)

The Names of God get more intriguing and magnificent as we move towards to the midpoint of our really fruitful challenge this month! For instance, today's Name - TRANSCENDENT is not a word you hardly hear at all in conversation. This just underlines the uniqueness of our Great God in Heaven! 

When we think of Transcendent, we think of the Supreme Being of the Universe Who transcends or is ABOVE ALL things and has risen, stays above and is completely independent of His Creation!

He is not a God Who can be put in any man-made box and never was. He Who spoke the World into being, by the Power of His Word is totally unknowable except for what He chooses to reveal to mere men like us! Look at what Romans 11:33-36 says about Him "Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!
“For who has known the mind of the Lord,
or who has been his counselor?”
“Or who has given a gift to him
that he might be repaid?”
For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.
(Romans 11:33-36 ESV)

There may seem to be a paradox, because a Transcendent Holy and Righteous God would, by nature, suggest aloofness...YET,  His great Love for us overshadows all as He chooses to live in the very hearts of rebellious men and women, if we simply choose and commit to following His Son! AND not just that, but He sends GOD HIMSELF - the Holy Spirit - to unite our spirit with His, so we can be sealed for Him, until the Day of Redemption!

Think on these things for a moment...and then another moment...and let's pray!!

Father, in the Name of Jesus, this has completely blown me away, Sir....that YOU - literally so far away from Your wonderful creation in distance, is so near to us that I feel You living inside the very essence of my being!

Father God it is mind-boggling that You, the Transcendent God Who lives High above in the Heavens would come down to lowly earth to be born in a dirty cow stall in a Bethlehem cave; to be persecuted and spat upon; to be killed by evil men and yet to give such Grace and Goodness to sinners such as I 

My mind is too small to comprehend that Grace, the free gift of Compassion, Love and Mercy, which You give.

My mind is too small to comprehend the magnitude of that Grace which showed itself on a bloody brutal Cross.

My mind is too small to comprehend the timeless infinity in which You live and yet look around me to the smallness of the nature of wicked men.

Am reminded Father of Your servant Isaiah in chapter 6, who said "woe is me, I am undone....for my eyes have seen the King"....and Lord, Isaiah described the same worship and awe inside Your Throne Room, which John saw in Revelation 4! This kind of Worship and even such a scene is beyond my puny capacity to imagine.

Yet, oh Lord, You have drawn me near! You have taken this nobody and made me a son. You have taken my wife and made her a daughter. You have taken my children and made them Yours...for they were Yours to begin with. You have taken my sisters and brothers who are reading this and drawn them to You as well! What manner of God would do this, Abba? Only a Great, Wonderful, Gracious and Compassionate God.

I love You Lord and I lift my voice to worship You, oh my soul rejoice! My soul cries out to You in awe and reverence in a dry and thirsty land!  I love You, God of the Universe, Creator of All things and thank You for choosing me as a vessel in Your amazing Kingdom, in the Name of Jesus, amen!


(Image by Google Images)

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