Monday, February 8, 2010


Happy Monday and another great day that the LORD has made! We will certainly all rejoice and be glad in it! AMEN!

The Lord has taken up my cause just when I thought my first book had run its course, which began in July 2007. For the first time in almost three years, the two major Christian bookstore chains in America - Family Christian Stores and LIFEWAY of the Southern Baptist Convention have picked up the books on their well - travelled websites. We are praying for many to see the value of this complete manual to strengthening the Walk of the maturing Christian. I am also still stunningly blessed that a columnist Debra Sartelle from Tulsa, Ok. would write a column on Baby Boomer Christians and then recommend TWO MINUTE WARNING as a resource for our maturing boomers(notice I, a boomer myself @ 53 yrs old did not say aging!!)

Click on the links below, to read some of the reviews from folks who have both read the book and taken the time to write a review on it. I thank them immensely for this.

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