Thursday, March 20, 2025


                    THE BMIC BLAST - MARCH  2025

Monday, February 17, 2025



Sunday, February 16, 2025




 " Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things". (Philippians 4:8)

 There is nothing more beautiful in this world than God's creation. From the tiniest ant, as annoying to the picnic basket as ants can be, to the red cardinal that buzzes your kitchen window and then flies around the backyard. From the faithful little yapper Schnauzer on your couch to the goldfish that swims around your aquarium. The Mighty Hand of God is evident everywhere - from the complexities of the human body to the sunset which seems to be completely different every evening...regardless of the opinions of mortal men, the handiwork of the Master Artist and Creator is evident. The Bible tells us so in Romans 1:20a "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power".

In the Arizona desert and in others where cacti live, there is a rare flower called the Cereus. This stunning and fragrant flower only blooms late at night. Read more about the Cereus flower here. This video shows the late-night blooming process in a controlled greenhouse environment. However there most regular sightings are done from the desert itself.

The ability of our minds, guided by a clear eye and spirit, to capture the beauty and majesty of Creation should inspire us to lift our entire outlook, thinking and perspective to the higher plane.

Be like King David who wrote in Psalm 8:3-4 "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him"?

Whenever we are down and depressed and/or tempted to lapse into pitiful or stinking thinking, immediately go outside in your garden and watch the bees gathering wild honey in your pumpkin patch or the squirrel gathering nuts. Or grab your bible and open to the book of Psalms and worship the one True God of Heaven, Who made us a little lower than the angels, that we may magnify and adore His precious and holy Name. All around us, are the evidences of lovely, pleasant, and acceptable things and even people, of whom the Lord will absolutely approve. There is absolutely no reason to live in a state of hopelessness. Hope is palpable and literally within reach. Take THAT thought captive.

Father in Jesus' Strong Name may Your Name be magnified, glorified and praised throughout the earth. Holy is Your Name. All power and glory belongs to You. You told us in Philippians 4:8 to think on whatever things are lovely, pleasant, wonderful and pleasing to both You and mankind. More than that Lord when we consider the complexities of the human body and the Mind that created every living cell, fiber and muscle in us, how can we not think of lovely, stunning thoughts of You, oh Great God of Heaven. May our puny little lives be acceptable unto Thee and may our worship, made from repentant and obedient hearts bring glory to You, in all that we do, in Jesus' Strong Name. Amen.

Image Credit: Epic Gardening

Friday, January 31, 2025



 " Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things". (Philippians 4:8)

For decades in America, Ivory Soap was considered the purest soap in the market, for sale to anyone. Of course, it was not actually 100% pure. There is no such thing. Ivory was sold as 99 44/100% pure. Today, organic and homemade soaps lack any chemical impurities and may claim the same - pure.

The Scriptural exhortation in our key verse - Phil. 4:8 - is even more intensely pure than the most natural soap which can make the physical clean. The Biblical Greek word for "pure" is hagios which has a distinctive meaning. It is not just to be free from sin, impure thoughts and conduct, or just plain innocent, but to be free from defilement. You and I may think we do not defile God or ourselves. So what does that even mean?

Actually, Jesus Himself told us! He says in Matthew Chapter 15. He says two important things about what defiles a man (person). In Verse 11, Jesus says "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man.

Even if people say the first thing that comes to their heads, they will still have to briefly consider that thought. In verse 15, Jesus is talking about a thought that is NOT good, which will defile the person.

Then, a few verses later, He got even more specific and scary. Scary in the sense of this: we had better pay attention to our thoughts, even if we consider ourselves above the fray and free from all evil. Jesus says in Verses 18-20a "Those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man.  For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. These are the things which defile a man."

But there is more to it than that. Not everyone walks around with the thoughts that Jesus describes above.  Maybe at one time, we violated every one of those sins. But there are thoughts that we cannot control that invade our minds at the most inopportune time, especially when we are praying!

Many of us prayer warriors remember this one - we would be deep in prayer and boom! Out of the blue, a completely unrelated worldly thought comes across our minds and threatens to almost disconnect our conversation with our Heavenly Father. We do have the power within us, due to being born-again and indwelled with the Spirit of Christ, to cast that thought out and get back on track!

There is no Christian who ever lived, who has never had that happen to them in prayer. So keep control of the narrative. Stay in the Scriptures. The evil one, the devil and accuser of the brethren's job is to take our joy, our journey with Jesus and the fact that we are joint heirs with Christ - away from us. 

Keep your mind on Christ. Keep praying to Him and staying away from disputes, indiscretions and even disgusting people. Focus on the good of anything - food, nature, your co-workers, your family, God!  The more you fellowship with the good, the easier it is to maintain a good, clean heart and one that will be open to what the Lord is doing today in your life. Amen

Father in the Mighty Name of Jesus, I thank You that through it all, you were with us even in the depths of our depravity. Even in our depraved thoughts, words, and deeds. But You saved us. You pulled us out of the muck and the mire and put a new song in our hearts. A hymn of praise to our God - You, oh Lord, our Heavenly Father and King Jesus the Savior. Thank You again, Lord, and keep working in us, to make us more like You, in Spirit and in Truth, in Jesus' Strong Name amen. 

Monday, January 27, 2025



" Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things". (Philippians 4:8)

One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Micah 6:8 and for good reason. The Bible says "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"

One of the many attributes of Yahweh - YHWH - is just. Justice is almost His middle Name. His Justice is swift against rebels and evil, just as He opened up the earth to swallow up Korah and the 250 rebels and their families who had challenged Moses' and Aaron's call as God's representatives. God's fury and judgment were swift and definitive. The earth opened up and many went down to the place of the dead, still alive.

When Ananias and Sapphira lied to Jesus' Apostles about the amount of money they sold their property for, in order to puff themselves up before the just-created Body of Christ, God did not wait to deal swiftly with their deception. There is no instance in the past, where God instituted Worship, and where mortals took it upon themselves to speak for Him that God did not punish the perps.

However, this verse from Philippians 4:8 speaks more about our human conception of how to treat others justly rather than about being a Holy, Righteous Judge like our heavenly Father.

As we think Biblically and come to the realization that we are not God Who judges righteously, we need to grasp the true meaning of the original Biblical Greek word for "whatever is just" and its definition. The word is "dikaios" and means upright, just, right before God, and more. It does NOT mean we are to contemplate the mighty, and swift justice of God as if we are His executioners. Our job is to love unconditionally, to live the Truth, and to share the good news. 

The "Think on Whatever is Just" call to Biblical Thinking is personal and internal. It is not about corporate or group identity or something we wish others should do, although that is an amazing goal. It is a call for us as the original, Holy Spirit-inspired word, indicates, to fully comprehend the righteous and upright character of the Lord, and think, live, and obey  - likewise.

Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, may we, who are called by Thy Name, come to fully grasp what a Holy, righteous, and just God You are. Help us to comprehend even one-tenth of Your Character so that we may live lives that are above reproach before the world and before You, in Jesus' Strong Name. Amen.

Image Credit: Free Christian Illustrations

Thursday, January 23, 2025



" Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things". (Philippians 4:8)

Most Christians know the Bible's great examples of character, dignity, gravitas, and honor. Men like Enoch, who the Bible says "walked with God" (Genesis 5:24) all the days of his life, and God thought so much of him that He took him to heaven as a very young man. How about Daniel, the prophet who inspired the Magi of the Christmas story? Daniel was so full of integrity, character, and love for God, that he refused to bow down to King Darius of Babylon's edicts and ended up in the lion's den (Daniel 6 here).

The man or woman of God who thinks and lives Biblically and stays diligent to that calling has a special place in the Heart of God. Look at what the Lord sent His chief warrior Angel Michael to say to Daniel, for his faithfulness and honor (Daniel 10:12) "“Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words". What words, you ask? Please read all of the book of Daniel, but especially Daniel's prayer in Chapter 9.

Our key verse for thinking Biblically - Philippians 4:8, has as its second exhortation from heaven: "Whatever things are noble". The original biblical Greek word here is "semnos" which means honorable, dignified, worthy of respect, and noble. 

It is not enough to be a faithful believer who lives right, pays taxes, obeys the law, goes to work, does a great job, loves God, and loves other people, primarily your family. It is not enough to do all of those wonderful things. We must carry ourselves - men and women - in such good repute that we not only NEVER bring the Name of Jesus to disrepute as too many Christians do these days, but there should be no doubt about who we are when we walk into our workplace, church, or community gathering, that this is a person who walks the talk.

Being a person of noble character also carries the moniker of one who does not gossip or engage in double-speech. This person is also temperate when everyone else is losing their collective minds. He or she is sensible and calm, gentle and firm, yet full of Truth and love. Being of noble character begins with THINKING God's thoughts. 

This is how Daniel's character shined so much that God took note and rewarded him with a special blessing from the Heavenly Throne. You and I can have that same favor with God that Daniel had.

All that you and I will need to do is have the same reverence, awe, respect AND self-respect which Daniel exhibited.  It all began with his thought life or his extremely high view of God. The meaning of the word "noble" in our verse, reminds us that we are commanded to think, and therefore act differently than the world around us.

Thinking Biblically by being in awe of God, by having the ultimate respect and reverence for Him and by living this way, is the true sign of a thoughtful lifestyle, based on Truth - His Truth - the Only Truth. Amen

Father, just as You have done in ages past, please give us the courage and boldness to live like Daniel did, the Courage to bow the knee to no one but You; the courage to proclaim Your Name to a dying corrupt world and the courage to live every moment with our guard up, so that we will never slip up in public or private. May we have those thoughts, beliefs, and actions which are consistent with the Truths of Scripture and walk with and in them all the days of our lives, in Jesus' Strong Name amen.

Image Credit: Free Christian Illustrations

Thursday, January 16, 2025



" Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things". (Philippians 4:8)

In John 18:38, Pontius Pilate encounters the bruised and brutalized Jesus for the first time and asks the eternal question "Quid Est Veritas" (Latin/Roman for What is Truth) — which you may recall from the stunning scene below from "The Passion of the Christ.

Significantly, the first thing listed in the Bible for "whatever things..." we MUST consider to live and think biblically is Truth. Each item listed here deserves its own in-depth examination. The concept of Truth is primary, and today, there is so much confusion that only the wise will shine. Only the born-again will recognize Biblical Truth.

The world does not recognize Absolute Truth. For the unredeemed, and you hear it all the time, people should "live their own truth" or "you do you"....and other such inane, meaningless catchphrases. This trend began in Genesis Chapter 3 where the Devil delivered the first lie to deceive mankind and it never stopped. It ramped up in the free love/no responsibility 1960s and 1970s with the "I'm OK, You're OK" movement. Today it has become religion to the unsaved Religious Left to call/brand/tag anyone who believes in Absolute Truth, as hateful, intolerant, stupid, mindless,or worse for believing the following:

-  That the Bible is true, inerrant and the 100% closed Word of God.

-  That every true professing Christian MUST believe what is written in Genesis Chapters 1-11, and Who God is before he or she can truly call themselves a bible-believing Christian.

-  That God created the Heavens and the Earth in six (6) 24-hour days and the earth is less than 7,000 years old. He is Creator and there is no such thing as Evolution.

-  That the Triune God, Who is God in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) has always existed in eternity past and always will, even when this current world system is destroyed and remade.

-  That Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World, the only Way to Heaven, and His Holy Spirit only indwells those who have repented of their sins and accepted Him as Lord of their lives.

-  That Jesus was born of a virgin woman, by the Sovereign Plan and Will of God the Father, into a couple from the lineage of King David, in Bethlehem as prophesied in Micah 5:2.

-  That Jesus the Man, Who never sinned in His 33 years on earth; never gave up His Divinity; was both God and Man; taught what is recorded in the Gospels and then was killed by evil men. That was allowed to happen, again by the pre-determined plan of God as a payment for our sins.

-  That Jesus was crucified on the Passover that year, and rose from the Tomb on Resurrection Sunday, just as He had said, to fulfill God's plan. He ascended to the Throne on the Right Hand of God The Father, from Where He reigns today and forever more, amen.

In brief, these are the essentials and basics we must believe, in order proceed with comprehending all Scripture. These essentials are what comprise Truth, i.e. Absolute Truth, Objective Truth. Anything else is a lie.

Modern archaeology has been proving, almost weekly, that the events and places recorded in Sola Scriptura - the Bible alone are 100% true. In the early 1980's when Mt. St. Helens in the state of Washington erupted (more on that in future posts or videos); within years, coal was formed, which confounded atheist scientists who believe it takes thousands of years to create even one inch of coal, and the layers of lava basically showed up Evolution to be the fraud that it is (more on that later as well).

As a man thinketh, so is he. When we are confronted by the world which says "absolute truth" does not exist. They have made an Absolute statement by declaring such a thing. Under the terms of logic, therefore, their argument is easily dismissed and thrown into the dustbin of history, because they have contradicted themselves and are not even doing their own subjective analysis to "you do you".  

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life - absolutely. We stand on that, forever and ever, against the wind and against the World. If we are to think Biblical - whatever things are True, we absolutely believe. Amen. 

Image Courtesy FREEBIBLE IMAGES (Thank you)

Sunday, January 12, 2025


"Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5)

What is it about "Stinking Thinking" that brings so many well-adjusted folks, especially Christians these days, to a not-so-good place? 

By the way, what is "Stinking Thinking" anyway? From all reports, the late great speaker, motivator, encourager, and man of God, Zig Ziglar was responsible for coining the phrase. The Cambridge Dictionary describes it as "
a bad way of thinking, that makes you believe you will fail, that bad things will happen to you, or that you are not a very good person". That is the official definition. But in real life, it can be any thought derailing right thinking, period.

There is a story told about the Great Reformer Martin Luther. He said one night, the devil showed up at the foot of his bed with a long scroll of every sin ever committed by Luther. 

As he read those off, in Luther's all-too-real vision, the serpent of old, needled Luther and said "Do you remember this sin? ...." Then Luther would respond: "Yes, I do", and so it went. After this, it went on for a long time. Luther recounted that he felt like he was about the slip into hell when the Lord Jesus showed up. The Savior told Luther to tell the devil to go all the way to the end of the scroll and read what was at the bottom of it.

Luther told him exactly those words. The devil kept reading off sins. Finally, Martin Luther said, "Devil, in the Name of Jesus, I demand that you read what is written at the bottom of your scroll". At the mention of THAT Name, the devil did as was told. At the bottom of that long list of Luther's sins was written in red "All the Sins of Martin Luther have been forgiven by the Blood of the Lamb".

The enemy, from whose clutches Jesus saved us, if we know Him as Lord and Savior and are truly born again, knows our thoughts and sins because he put most of them in there. Every thought of greed and lust for money, riches, illicit sexual pleasure, and covetousness, came from him. Every thought that leads to an ungodly action, even for the strongest believer in Jesus, came from him.

He has a habit of throwing past forgiven sins, in our faces and it is pushed in our faces by thoughts that ambush us, in the most awkward or inappropriate of moments - from quiet time in the morning, or in the middle of a meeting at work, or having lunch with a pastor or anything. If we are not careful, this can defeat people who profess to be Christians, but who are not walking in any kind of victory, or deep Faith, or who have lives guided and directed by the Spirit.

Stinking Thinking invites the weak to make blanket statements, away from Scripture, that "God does not love me....or my spouse...or my boss hates me....or I can't stand that nosey neighbor".....and the next thing we know, we are operating on feelings and emotions far outside the bounds of Biblical Thinking.

Some of this Stinking Thinking may even have to do with self-esteem. If someone from your past - an old schoolmate who knew you as a party machine from senior year in high school or college, but now he or she sees that you more than likely, "party like it's 1699 (i.e. none at all), and you let some long-buried emotion resurface, to cause you to doubt your own identity in Christ, then it's time to move to Plan B.

Plan B is the return to Plan Bible and Biblical Thinking. We will look into this more in upcoming posts, but suffice it to say, Martin Luther, at the behest and prompting of King Jesus, has demonstrated the quickest way to grab those resurgent defeatist old BC (before Christ) "replays" and send them to the dungeon of forgotten sins, which Yahweh has stated is, "as far as the east is from the west".

John 1:12 underscores our Authority to respond as Luther did to the devil. It is the quickest way to defeat EVERY form of stinking thinking; horrible thoughts and anything from the pit of hell. The Bible says in this verse "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His Name".

We take every thought captive, reminding the devil, in the most authoritative statement, that we are Children of God and all our sins - not just those from last week, but those from our past, have been forgiven by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who defeated the accuser, on that fateful day on Calvary.

Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus, we thank You that You sent Your Holy and Powerful Son, in that while we were yet sinners, He died for us, that we may be reconciled with You and have Eternal Life in Heaven. Thank You, for giving us the ability to not only take every evil and wicked thought captive but also, for then giving us the capacity and direction to bring these into alignment with Your Holy Word, in Jesus' Strong Name, amen.

Image Courtesy FREEBIBLE IMAGES (Thank you)